November 21, 2019 Monday, it's time for a field trip to Toraja. As always according to schedule, we gather at the Orange Building in Makassar tourism polytechnic for getting ready to Toraja. About 12 hours drive to Toraja by bus with several places to stop for lunch and coffee break.

There are several districts that we will passed such as Maros Regency, Pangkep Regency, Barru Regency, Parepare city, Sidrap Regency & Enrekang regency.
For lunch, we stop at Kupa Beach Restaurant then coffee break at Erotic Mountain, in Enrekang regency.

 Late in the afternoon we arrived in Toraja and checked in at the indra toraja hotel. After checked in we have dinner at Ayam Penyet Ria restaurant and we back to the hotel for take a rest.

For the second day according to our main purpose, we will do a soft trekking after breakfast at the hotel.

We start trekkiing at Timenbayo, then follow the route to go to Mentirotiku Restaurant at Batutumonga around 2 hours of soft trekking

Along the way, we can see a lot such as the scenery in Toraja is still very natural. Like the Toraja traditional house, namely Tongkonan.
see the daily life of the Toraja people, see the process of slaughtering and burning pigs.
With the path through the rice fields, we can passed it together.
After lunch, we continued trekking for 4 hours through Lempo and arrived at Erong Lombok.

Early trekking we see Tedong Bonga, one of the typical animals of the Toraja, to do something rituals that are very expensive.

After that we see the process of making a custom house namely Tongkonan and then try the Toraja typical drink that is Ballo or palm wine , see Babygrave in Tara tree.
then visit the Toraja cemetery which is stored in a chest inside cave namely erong lombok padidi
 and the last destination we visited Todi ’shop by typical Toraja. After trekking , return to the hotel and take a shower.

Dinner at Aras cafe while enjoying live music there. And after that back to the hotel to have a rest.

After breakfast, we will return to Makassar. There are some places that we saw before we returned to Makassar.

Like the Lakipada statue which is one of the icons in Toraja,

Visiting coffee shop that introduces typical Toraja coffee,

coffee break at Erotic Mountain

lunch at Terang Empang Parepare,

visit the Bugis traditional house in Barru.

and have dinner at Suka Suka restaurants in Maros.
Late in the afternoon we arrived at Makassar tourism polytechinc

 And our 3D2N fieldtrip is complete.

This time on the fieldtrip provides a lot of knowledge, experience and very exciting. Me and my friends very lucky that we can be given the opportunity to feel things that we have never been and do it together.

Thank you to our lovely advisor Sir Mat, Sir Yahya and Mam Mila.

Thank you for our amazing tour leader, Mr. yusuf and Ms. Mifta and
Thanks for togetherness. See you on the next fieldtrip, back to necahhh!!!!


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