Price starting IDR 7.500.000,-/pax

Paket berwisata dari Copenhagen menuju Jonkoping dan berakhir di Stockholm dengan banyak tempat wisata menarik dan menakjubkan.

Hans Christian Andersens's "The Little Mermaid"
Adalah inspirasi untuk patung terkenal yang diangkut ke Shanghai World Expo 2010 dan merupakan simbol sejati bagi orang orang Denmark. Sebuah kisah dongeng yang ditulis oleh pengarang Denmark Hans Christian Andersen tentang seorang putri duyung muda yang ingin lepas dari kehidupannya di laut dan identitasnya sebagai putri duyung untuk meraih jiwa manusia. 

Golden Hall

Dinding Aula Emas ditutupi dengan lebih dari 18juta kaca dan potongan mosaik emas, sebuah karya seni dari seniman Einar Forseth, Bangunan ini berada ditepi pantai dan dibangun disekitar alun-alun pusat yang besar. Puncaknya adalah ruang emas yang diisi dengan ubin mosaik kaca yang memiliki daun emas disisipkan diantara kaca. 

Kapal Vasa

Kapal Vasa, kapal perang Swedia yang sebelumnya selama 300 tahun lebih berada di dasar laut setelah tenggelam pada pelayaran pertama. Kini menjadi satusatunya koleksi di Vasa Museum di Stockholm. Museum ini ramai di kunjungi wisatawan mancanegara. Di Museum Vasa wisatawan bisa menemukan kemegahan perahu Vasa dari tahun 1628, yang masih terawat dan utuh lengkap dengan ratusan pahatan kayu yang ada di beberapa bagiannya.

Itinerary :

Hari ke-1 Jakarta - Copenhagen

Bertemu di Bandara Copenhagen, Denmark. Transfer ke hotel, check in hotel dan waktu bebas. Hotel 3* di Copenhagen atau kota terdekat.

Hari ke-2 Copenhagen - Jonkoping

Setelah sarapan di hotel, tour dimulai dengan tour keliling Copenhagen, ibu kota kerajaan Denmark. Amalienborg, pemberhentian kita berikutnya yang dianggap sebagai salah satu karya terbesar dari Robocco Denmark. Setelah makan siang (biaya pribadi) melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Jonkoping. Hotel 3* di Jonkoping City atau kota di dekatnya.

Hari ke-3 Jonkoping - Stockholm

Setelah sarapan, perjalanan menuju ke Ibukota Swedia, Stockholm. Kota ini dinobatkan sebagai kota paling indah diantara semua kota Nordik. Setelah makan siang (biaya pribadi) tour dimulai dikota yang mencakup City Hall of Stockholm (stadhuset), salah satu gedung paling indah dan terkenal di dunia. Dari Blue Hall, para tamu diundang menaiki tangga ke Golden Hall (Gyllene Salen) untuk berdansa. Tour berlanjut dengan kunjungan ke gedung Parlemen lama, kapal perang Vasa dan Katredal Storkyrkan. Hotel 3* di kota Stockholm atau kota di dekatnya. 

Hari ke-4 Stockholm

Makan pagi di hotel. Check out dan acara bebas sampai tiba penjemputan menuju Bandara. Sesampainya di Bandara acara tur selesai.


Price Starting IDR 3.000.000,-/pax

Museum Airlangga
Karena letaknya berada diarea wisata andalan kota Kediri, untuk menuju ke Museum Airlangga cukuplah mudah. Museum Airlangga sendiri hanya terdiri dari satu ruangan besar. Koleksi museum Airlangga lumayan banyak, ada arca, jaladwara, prasasti, bata kuno, guci kuno, dll

Kediri Waterpark 

Kediri Waterpark terindah di dunia Kediri Jawa Timur terletak di Jalan Raya Pagung, Desa Pagung, Kecamatan Semen, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur. Tempat wisata yang berlokasi di kabupaten yang terkenal dengan Es Buto Ijonya ini menyediakan banyak wahana dan tentu saja fasilitas air yang bisa dinikmati wisatawan.

Hari ke-1 Makassar - Surabaya - Kediri

Penjemputan di Bandara Juanda Surabaya, lalu naik bus ke Kediri. Menuju hotel lalu check in hotel dan acara bebas

Hari ke-2 Kediri

Sarapan pagi di hotel, lalu menuju ke museum airlangga. Setelah itu, dilanjutkan ke goa Mangeleng. Makan siang di lokal restoran dan menuju ke kediri waterpark. Bermain air dan berenang. Setelah itu kembali ke hotel dan bersih bersih. Makan malam di cafe Kediri. Acara bebas setelah makan malam.

Hari ke- 3 Kediri - Makassar

Sarapan di hotel dan mencicipi jajanan kuliner khas kediri sebelum ke bandara dan kembali ke Makassar. 

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Hai Everyone, Welcome to My Blog

Perkenalkan nama saya Sisi Fitriani Syahrir, saya berasal dari Kabupaten Gowa. Ada banyak destinasi di Kabupaten Gowa yang bisa kita kunjungi jika ingin berwisata atau menghabiskan waktu liburan. Salah satunya yang akan saya jelaskan di blog saya kali ini yaitu Air Terjun Takapala yang terletak di Malino Kabupaten Gowa. 

merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata favorit bagi para masyarakat kota Makassar dan sekitarnya untuk melewati akhir pekan. Bagaimana tidak? selain memiliki suasana yang sejuk dan segar, juga dataran tinggi berada di kaki gunung Bawakaraeng ini ternyata memiliki banyak tempat wisata yang berpotensial. Dengan suasana pedesaan yang asri serta dikelilingi pepohonan yang menyelimuti perbukitan, dikawasan ini pengunjung selain dapat mengunjungi perkebunan teh, tempat permandian Lembah Biru, Hutan wisata Malino, pengunjung juga dapat menyambangi beberapa air terjun yang indah. 
Air terjun Takapala yang masih berada dalam kawasan Malino ini adalah salah satu air terjun yang paling sering dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan. Terletak tepatnya di desa Bulutana, kecamatan Tinggimoncong, Kabupaten Gowa dengan jarak 6km saja dari kota Malino. Kondisi jalan yang sedikit berliku dengan pemandangan yang elok akan menemani anda sepanjang perjalanan. Fasilitas penunjang di kawasan air terjun ini juga berbilang cukup memadai, mulai dari terdapatnya toilet hingga deretan warung makan yang menjajakan berbagai macam kudapan seperti pisang goreng dan berbagai jenis makanan lainnya. 

Tinggi air terjun Takapala mencapai 109m dengan debit air yang sangat besar terlebih lagi di kala musim hujan datang. Curahan air dengan volume besar tersebut, secara alami membentuk sebuah kolam yang dapat digunakan pengunjung untuk berenang dan bermain air. Namun pengunjung harus tetap waspada akan tekanan air dari dasar kolom yang cukup kuat. Diatas kolom tersebut juga tak jarang terlihat biasan air yang membentuk sebuah pelangi di atasnya. Dikelilingi perbukitan khas dataran tinggi dan rerimbunan hutan membuat suasana di air terjun ini semakin sejuk dan asri.

Seusai bermain air menikmati segarnya curahan air di terjun Takapala, pengunjung dapat langsung menghangati badan dengan memesan segelas teh atau kopi hangat sambil ditemani sepiring pisang goreng hangat di warung pinggir aliran sungai. Jika merencanakan untuk mengunjungi Malino bersama keluarga cobalah sejenak singgah di air terjun Takapala, kesejukan dan keasriannya akan membuat anda sekeluarga betah berlama lama bermain air di air terjun.
Jadi, saya merekomendasikan tempat ini sebagai salah satu tempat tujuan wisata yang wajib di kunjungi ketika berlibur dan mengunjungi Malino. Happy Holiday.........


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November 21, 2019 Monday, it's time for a field trip to Toraja. As always according to schedule, we gather at the Orange Building in Makassar tourism polytechnic for getting ready to Toraja. About 12 hours drive to Toraja by bus with several places to stop for lunch and coffee break.

There are several districts that we will passed such as Maros Regency, Pangkep Regency, Barru Regency, Parepare city, Sidrap Regency & Enrekang regency.
For lunch, we stop at Kupa Beach Restaurant then coffee break at Erotic Mountain, in Enrekang regency.

 Late in the afternoon we arrived in Toraja and checked in at the indra toraja hotel. After checked in we have dinner at Ayam Penyet Ria restaurant and we back to the hotel for take a rest.

For the second day according to our main purpose, we will do a soft trekking after breakfast at the hotel.

We start trekkiing at Timenbayo, then follow the route to go to Mentirotiku Restaurant at Batutumonga around 2 hours of soft trekking

Along the way, we can see a lot such as the scenery in Toraja is still very natural. Like the Toraja traditional house, namely Tongkonan.
see the daily life of the Toraja people, see the process of slaughtering and burning pigs.
With the path through the rice fields, we can passed it together.
After lunch, we continued trekking for 4 hours through Lempo and arrived at Erong Lombok.

Early trekking we see Tedong Bonga, one of the typical animals of the Toraja, to do something rituals that are very expensive.

After that we see the process of making a custom house namely Tongkonan and then try the Toraja typical drink that is Ballo or palm wine , see Babygrave in Tara tree.
then visit the Toraja cemetery which is stored in a chest inside cave namely erong lombok padidi
 and the last destination we visited Todi ’shop by typical Toraja. After trekking , return to the hotel and take a shower.

Dinner at Aras cafe while enjoying live music there. And after that back to the hotel to have a rest.

After breakfast, we will return to Makassar. There are some places that we saw before we returned to Makassar.

Like the Lakipada statue which is one of the icons in Toraja,

Visiting coffee shop that introduces typical Toraja coffee,

coffee break at Erotic Mountain

lunch at Terang Empang Parepare,

visit the Bugis traditional house in Barru.

and have dinner at Suka Suka restaurants in Maros.
Late in the afternoon we arrived at Makassar tourism polytechinc

 And our 3D2N fieldtrip is complete.

This time on the fieldtrip provides a lot of knowledge, experience and very exciting. Me and my friends very lucky that we can be given the opportunity to feel things that we have never been and do it together.

Thank you to our lovely advisor Sir Mat, Sir Yahya and Mam Mila.

Thank you for our amazing tour leader, Mr. yusuf and Ms. Mifta and
Thanks for togetherness. See you on the next fieldtrip, back to necahhh!!!!

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Report Field Trip Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach

The first day

Friday 5 September 06.00 am everyone had gathered in front of the orange building in preparation for departure to dutungan island. Equipment to depart has been prepared starting from refreshment, absence, distribution of ID cards and songage tags as well as seat rotation. Before leaving, we do not forget to pray first so that the journey runs smoothly without any obstacles. At 07.00 am everyone got on the bus and left for dutungan island. Traveling, one by one explaining like a tourguide in accordance with the material they get. Incidentally I got material about language and art in Pangkep district. Throughout the trip everything went smoothly with a variety of entertainment from each tour guide who explained. Add to this the refreshment distributed from the tour leader that contains traditional food.

To arrive at Dutungan island, we have to use a boat with a maximum passenger of 20 people in about 10 minutes

Arriving at Dutungan island around 10:30 am then everyone rushed to change clothes for diving and snorkeling. But before that, we are given directions on how to dive and snorkel that is good and right, how to use tools and how to handle if there are problems when diving and snorkeling. 

It so happened that at that time Friday was for Muslims especially the men who had to perform Friday prayers. So diving and snorkeling activities are carried out when the prayer and lunch are finished.
After prayer and lunch, diving and snorkeling activities are carried out alternately. There is diving, there is also a snorkel that is up to what they want. Everyone was very excited because it was our first time diving. I am very curious about how it feels to dive trying to be brave and go down to see the beauty of the sea accompanied by a professional instructor because diving is the second sport that is very risky. At first I was very panicked when I went down because I had difficulty controlling my breath using my mouth. Luckily the instructor was able to calm me down so that I wouldn't panic and be able to regulate my breath well. Finally I can dive and see the beauty of the underwater with various kinds of coral reefs and various types of fish that we rarely see on the surface of the sea. After a few minutes under the sea I tried to return to the surface and continue the next activity that is snorkeling.

Snorkeling is quite easy than diving because we are only at sea level by using a special mask and then floating on the surface using a float. The other friends after diving, they continued to snorkel together while playing and taking pictures to make memories. From 01.00 pm to 04.00 pm at sea and playing feels very pleasant. In Dutungan Island there are facilities such as a gazebo, rest room, toilet, mosque, diving & snorkeling equipment. After diving and snorkeling, everyone changes their clothes and prepares for observation. In addition to observation, we also play games together until evening and rush back to the hotel.

At 05.00 pm go back to the dock and take a boat and then go to the hotel in Parepare. About half an hour drive to Delare Hotel Parepare. Arrived at the hotel around 05:30 pm checked in and there was distributed roomlist. We gathered again at 08.30 pm using Batik dresscode and headed to one of the closest restaurants to the hotel for dinner at Ayam Penyet Ria on foot together because the distance is very close to the hotel. After dinner, we return to the hotel and prepare for a presentation on how to handle marine tour tourists. There are several groups that will present and bring entartainment from each group. Around 10:00 the presentation was finished, time to go back to their respective rooms and rest.

Morning call is held at 04.30 am. At 06.00 am we do morning exercise by jogging from the front of the hotel to the Parepare field where there is a statue of true love Bj Habibie & Ainun. Bj Habibie & Ainun's true love statue is an icon of Parepare district because that is where Bj Habibie was born. 

After taking pictures, we return to the hotel for breakfast. At 07.00 am take a shower and prepare to check out then head to Paputo Beach. About half a minute from the hotel to get to Paputo beach. There, we observe whether Paputo Beach is suitable as a tourist attraction or not. I think Paputo Beach is worth making a tourist spot because the place is adequate and there are many facilities that we can use there. Like, gazebo, jelly bean seat, snorkeling, toilet, swing, restroom, there are many food sellers, live music, and we can hold events there.
At Paputo beach we enjoy food and drinks while sitting on a jelly bean seat. There are also friends who dance and play around the beach. There we enjoy free time while taking pictures. 

After that, we head to Terang Empang for lunch. Teras Empang is one of the famous restaurants in Parepare because it has a good view especially at night. Dhuhr prayer is performed there before leaving for Makassar. After everything was finished, we rushed to the bus and traveled back to Makassar all the way, all resting while listening to music.

At 04.30 pm we arrived at the Makassar Tourism Polytechnic campus. That indicates the marine tour was over for 2d1n. Many experiences and stories that we can get. From things we don't know until we know, for example diving. During the tour we were accompanied by advisors namely Mam Atri and Mam Etha. Accompanied by Vendors from PT. Mitra Selaras, do not forget to also accompany the tour leader who is always accompanied by Mr. Didit and Mrs. Sardika and we will not reach our destination without a professional driver, Mr. Alimuddin and Mr. Rangga We are very grateful to all of them.
One thing I can take from this Marine tour is safety. Every time we go on a tour or fieldtrip safety and security is very important. Especially when the marine tour was conducted, I got the assignment as the person in charge of P3k. Based on the experience of the marine tour, many friends were injured because of coral at sea and not feeling well because of long time activities at sea. Therefore safety and readiness of equipment is very important when carrying out the tour.

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